December 24, 2011

Carl's Trusted Voice

Our dear friends, the Bobb family, have sought to encourage and pursue entrepreneurial endeavors for as long as we have known them (and even before!) One venture that is especially exciting for us as consumers is the initiation of Carl's Trusted Voice. Mr. Bobb has taken to his carefully constructed home sound studio and recorded incredible pieces of audio work that will appeal to listeners of all interests.

Mr. Bobb has provided a variety of demo sound bytes for those to express interest via his web site, As the greeting on the home page reads, "Carl’s Trusted Voice will make your ad copy, script, audio book or elearning material come alive...". I can say by experience that this is most definitely a trusted proclamation.

Most recently, we received the gift of The Hartz Boys audio book. This little treasure was republished by our friends, the Williams family and joyfully recorded in audio format by Mr. Bobb. My family spent three nail-biting nights listening to and discussing this book during our family worship. Each chapter spoken, each character and circumstance introduced kept us eager to hear more.

As we listened I wondered why it was that I was so intrigued by this book. Not only is it safe, wholesome, and valuable as a story, but the way it was presented by Mr. Bobb had a great deal to do with my personal reception of it. He was easy to listen to, expressive, and emotional. I never confused the characters voices as each was distinct and clear. I felt the fear, excitement, and repentance as the characters spoke their piece through Mr. Bobb, and I only wished that every book I could possibly want to listen to could somehow be brought to life by Mr. Bobb's voice!

Please visit his web site and hear for yourself. You will both laugh and be moved by the sound he produces. God has most surely given him a voice that people will listen to.

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