April 3, 2009

Journey to Jacksonville

We are officially living in Florida now. We returned from our last trip to Colorado with the rest of our belongings, minus the Jeep and Collier. Yes, it was quite the adventure.

After completing all paperwork and inventories on our house, we turned it over to the new renters. We set out on Saturday (March 21st). Our destination: Big Sandy, TX where we dropped Collier off at ALERT for Basic Training. It has not been an easy road on our end, though we are only two weeks into the nine. We will post updates and links to any pictures or pertinent information as we get it.

Mom and I left Collier in Texas on Monday and drove off with our 27 foot Uhaul, the Jeep in tow. We pulled into our hotel that evening with a flat tire on the trailer. After a 3 hour delay on Tuesday morning we had the tire replaced and hit the road again. As we were making our way through Louisiana, a man and his wife flagged us down on the interstate. We thought it rather odd and were concerned that we had another flat tire. But when the man approached us, he said he wanted to buy the Jeep! It was our turn for bewilderment as we drove to their house. In a matter of hours we were pulling an empty trailer and holding an envelope with my asking price in cash.

Life is returning to the new "normal". Papa will be coming home from a stint in the nursing home tomorrow, Dad returns from a week of travel tonight, and Mom and I are keeping ourselves busy at home without Collier. Noah it getting a lot of attention :-) I found out last Friday that I was accepted into the Florida School of Traditional Midwifery (FSTM). I will begin school on August 24th. Right now I am preparing to take a few CLEP tests to satisfy some general math and English requirements. It is exciting to change the name of my business from Heritage Doula Ministries to Heritage Birth Ministries!

We miss all of our dear "Colorado Family" especially as we finalize this move. We pray that the Lord will bring us back home someday.

Love to all,

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